thumb arthritis

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  • Treatment with trapezium excision and ligament reconstruction

    Treatment with trapezium excision and ligament reconstruction

    posted 4/8/15 in Thumb Arthritis

    Complaints about weakness of grip are common in my office, and the offending problem may be nothing more than a painful trigger finger, 1st extensor compartment tendonitis (De Quervain’s disease) or carpal tunnel syndrome. But, it might be arthritis of the thumb’s “basal joint”. The trapezio-metacarpal joint is a bi-concave-convex...

  • Hand Therapy for Thumb basal joint arthritis

    Hand Therapy for Thumb basal joint arthritis

    posted 9/15/10 in Thumb Arthritis

    Prior to any decision to surgically treat thumb basal joint arthritis, conservative treatment may succeed in temporarily decreasing pain. Although this will not cure the disease, it may buy time, and at the very least, may help you to decide if surgery is the necessary next step. Before Surgery:Conservative Treatment Regimen Thenar...

  • Thumb CMC Prosthetic Replacement

    Thumb CMC Prosthetic Replacement

    posted 11/23/07 in Thumb Arthritis

    Historically, thumb basal(CMC)joint prosthetic replacement has been unsuccessful--with high rates of loosening and late failure. This led to the current popularity of biologic solutions--most notably trapezium resection and ligament reconstruction techniques. So why consider the newest prosthetic replacement? The reasons are as follows:1.New data by Badia et al in the...

  • Early stage disease: painful, basal joint hypermobility

    Early stage disease: painful, basal joint hypermobility

    posted 4/17/07 in Thumb Arthritis

    For years the painful, nonarthritic thumb basal joint has been an elusive diagnosis. It is not uncommon to see patients who have had prior operations for tendonitis only to find no relief. The basal joint can, however, be a source of pain even when xrays are normal. Subtle hypermobility can...

  • Trapezium-retaining procedures for basal joint arthritis

    Trapezium-retaining procedures for basal joint arthritis

    posted 4/17/07 in Thumb Arthritis

    Although trapezium excision in combination with ligament reconstruction has been the most common and popular procedure to treat basilar thumb joint arthritis over the past 2 decades, newer implants are now available that may have a selective role in younger and older patients. We can discuss the pros and cons...